Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Public Access versus Private Feudal Road Feb 16/08

Dear Editor,

Citizens and business owners have questions regarding the feudal arrogance of the Ambassador Bridge Company’s arbitrary closure of the northbound Huron Church Road access for our U.S. customers and visitors:

How is it allowable for a private company to arbitrarily re-direct public traffic? How can this be done without any notice or even city approval let alone Transport Canada’s approval?

As business owners we obviously favour private enterprise, but at what point does private enterprise undermine the public good?

How can such a crucial public artery remain under private, unaccountable ownership and control?

This week it was the unilateral closure of the Huron Church Road access; what if tomorrow the Ambassador Bridge Company finds it in their interest to restrict traffic to cars only or to trucks only or to their private company trucks only? What if the Ambassador Bridge Company finds it more expedient or profitable to sell the steel bridge for scrap on the global market?

Is there nothing in place to stop the Ambassador Bridge Company except trust? Has the Ambassador Bridge Company again proven itself unworthy of the public trust? What happened to Bill C-3? And speaking o Bill C-3… why does it not mention anything about improving the environment so that it will be safe for citizens to live, work and breathe?

If this road closure was a simple faux pas by the Ambassador Bridge Company, how much more damage will the next faux pas create? Will the next arbitrary decision hurt you, the reader, or your employer or your business? Can Windsor businesses, downtown and Olde Sandwich Towne and elsewhere, withstand more arbitrary, unaccountable Ambassador Bridge Company behaviour?

How does the Ambassador Bridge Company propose to compensate businesses that have lost customers because of this faux pas? Surely a public body would be held financially responsible if the roles were reversed. How can the Ambassador Bridge Company repair the “never again” experience of the tourist who gets lost trying to find Sandwich Town businesses via College Avenue? How can the Ambassador Bridge Company repair the “its-not-worth-it” experience of the tourist who gets lost trying to find our prized riverfront via College Avenue? How many more tourists can Windsor afford to leave with a negative experience?

How does the Ambassador Bridge Company propose to compensate homeowners on California, Randolph, Bridge, McKay, Campbell and other residential streets for the increased traffic from people trying to find the river, downtown, Sandwich Towne or the University?

More questions were raised as we question arbitrary, unaccountable behaviours by the Ambassador Bridge Company:
Why does every bridge crossing the Niagara River only cost $3.25 for a round trip when we are forced to pay $8.00 for a round trip to Detroit?

Why can the Niagara area receive millions of dollars per year in local “impact area” improvements from the bridges and we do not? Why can the Ambassador Bridge Company allow its many rental properties to become unsafe eye sores when any other property owner would have to endure endless visits/fines from the property bylaw enforcement officers of the city? Why is the city council afraid of a law suit every time it even thinks about keeping the Ambassador Bridge Company accountable? Why is the Ambassador Bridge Company pushing to proceed with a second span when it agreed in writing to not twin the bridge at the time it received city cooperation in expanding six truck lanes west of Huron Church Road? What is the difference between a “twin” and an “enhancement”? Why can the private bridge company put up traffic lights over public roadways without consultation or permit? Why doesn’t the Ambassador Bridge pay property tax to the city for the bridge asset when every other business or factory or homeowner pays property tax?

Regarding noise levels, why can’t the Ambassador Bridge Company be a good neighbour like the Bluewater Bridge and at least put up signs asking trucks to not use ‘compression brakes’?

Why does the media leave Ambassador Bridge Company officials unquestioned when they push for City Council to be more open (read legally exposed) when every price increase or decision by the Ambassador Bridge Company happens behind solidly closed doors?

Is it time to end feudalism (again)?

Mike Cardinal

On behalf of Olde Sandwich Towne business and home owners

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