By converting more urban space to gardens, not only can suburban are converted back to forest, but cities become greener by changing impervious surfaces to vegetation. Also, localized gardening is primarily driven by human energy, not oil powered machines. Permaculture techniques, such as companion planting, allow greater cooperation between plants; such agricultural practices have proven, over generations of gardeners from all over the world, to produce more abundant, culturally appropriate, disease-resistant, and nutritious crops. Can I Get Involved?
Anyone who wants to help build our region's capacity for local, organic food pro- duction and distribution is encouraged to join our net- work.
Do you have space that you want to contribute?
We will build, maintain, and harvest a garden, dependent on the availability of gardeners.
Do you want to garden?
We will coordinate interested gardeners, and provide them with space, help, and advise as needed.
Do you have a surplus from your own gardens?
Please don't let it go to waste. We will collect and distribute it to those in need.
Do you have fruit trees that go unharvested?
Please tell us. We will harvest them so that all of us can enjoy their bounty.
Event Board
Sunday Potlucks
6pm in the backyard of the Ecohouse (793 Sunset Ave.): anyone can come and share their favourite dish, get to know their fellow gardeners, and participate in discussions about FedUp, gardening practices, and food politics.
Click here for a map to the Ecohouse.