Thursday, November 15, 2007

The Largest Spill Since 1988

State and local officials were left wondering what exactly went wrong in the wake of a 58,000 gallon oil spill in San Francisco Bay - the largest such spill since 1988 - this past Wednesday. The Cosco Busan, a South Korea-bound container ship, struck one of the Bay Bridge's steel and concrete buttresses Wednesday morning as it was being guided out; the impact gouged the hull, precipitating the massive spill.


The Northern Michigan Environmental Action Council (NMEAC) is the Grand Traverse region's oldest and best-known grassroots environmental advocacy organization.

The Community Coalition Against Mining Uranium

Donna Dillman began her hunger strike outside of the gates of the uranium protest site in Frontenac County, Ontario, Canada, on October 8th, 2007, at 12pm. She is calling for a moratorium on uranium mining in Eastern Ontario and is asking people to show their support by contacting local politicians, media outlets, Internet blogs and any organization you feel may be of help. We also encourage people to come out and show their support. Make a day of it or just drop by to say hello. Bring warm herbal tea, firewood and for the really adventurous, camping supplies so you can stay awhile.

In 2000, Montrealer, Naomi Klein published the book ‘No Logo’, which for many became a manifesto of the anti-globalization movement. This movement had shut down the WTO Meeting of 1999 one month before the release of ‘No Logo’. The book reveals the problems with consumer culture by describing the operations of large operations. Her next book published in 2002 is a collection of articles and speeches she had written on behalf of the anti-globalization movement.

Environment Jobs In Windsor!

Hey everyone... if you're looking for work and you're into the environment you should check out the link below - they're hiring both full and part-time positions.