Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Friday, November 30, 2007
St. Francis Xavier University
At the Sierra Youth Club National Conference in September, Lise, a student from StFX, talks about her experiences as an environmental activist.
St. Francis is a liberal arts institution located in Antigonish, a northeastern Nova Scotia seaside town with a population of 6000.
George Brown College
Engineering student, Dominique explains her experiences as a member of a brand new environmental club at George Brown College.
George Brown is a college of applied arts and technology with three campuses in downtown Toronto, Ontario.
Lakehead University
Originally from South Western Ontario, Greg discusses his understanding of differences living in a Northern community, the need to manage resources wisely and indigenous rights.
LU is situated at the head of Lake Superior in Thunder Bay, Ontario with a population of 109,140.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Rosalyne is a Québec student who relates her experiences in working toward environmental sustainability to larger social responsibilities. She also points out that various levels of government need come together to find solutions.
In particular she is very concerned with the future of our Boreal forests.
University of Saskatchewan
At the London, Ontario Youth Conference on Sustainability, Nicole, a student from the University of Saskatchewan reveals that her province is the largest producer of uranium in the world. She also discusses issues related to the corporatization of agriculture and how companies like Monsanto are affecting Canadian farmers.
The University of Saskatchewan is a public research university located on the East side of the South Sakatchewan River in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan population, 206,500.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Rights Action
Rights Action is a multi-faceted community development, environmental and human rights organization with its main office in Guatemala City. In both Canada and the United States, Rights Action has tax-charitable status.
Rights Action:
* provides funds directly to over 50 grassroots development, environmental and human rights organizations and projects.
* provides technical support, popular education and organizational strengthening training to these grassroots organizations.
* builds alliances for global justice between community-based organizations, both regionally and north-south.
* provides human rights accompaniment to persons at risk of repression for their environment, development and human rights work.
* does education & activist work in the US & Canada about global human rights, environmental and development issues, and about how citizens and organizations can get involved and work on these issues.
Canada Office
Rights Action (Canada)
422 Parliament St.
Box 82522
Toronto ON M5A-4N8
Monday, November 26, 2007
Media Advisory
For Immediate Release
November 26th, 2007
Students Unite for Global Day of Action on Climate change
Windsor – The University of Windsor's Environment Coalition will be marching from the lawn of the CBC Building to the University of Windsor on Saturday, December 8th at noon to stand up for the Global Day of Action on Climate Change.
The University of Windsor's Environment Coalition consists of a network of environmental groups including: the Environmental Law Society, OPIRG’s Environmental Action Group, Roots & Shoots, Young Greens and the Green Corridor Project.
The March will be on Saturday, December 8th and start at 12pm and go to 1pm.
As the heads of state meet in Bali, Indonesia for the UN Climate Negotiations, Canadians will stand in solidarity with millions around the world to demand action on climate change. The University of Windsor students are joining communities in over 77 countries as they encourage local Windsorites to join them on a march to let politicians and administrators know that it is time for change.
At a time when Climate Change has become a Global Crisis, it is not an issue to be taken lightly, so students of the University of Windsor are making a stand in showcasing their support to the world community and bringing attention to the Canadian Government for the need for a sustainable environmental policy.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Bring the Troops Home Now!
Join the Weekly Peace Coalition Actions To Demand an End to the War!
JOIN US THIS SATURDAY or ANY SATURDAY to call for the withdrawal of Canada's troops from Afghanistan. We need to keep up the pressure to end this disastrous war! We will be continuing the picket at the entrance to Market Square every Saturday at 11 am.
For those of you who found Fridays at 5 hard to make, we hope you will be able to join us on Saturdays.
Saturdays, 11 AM until NOON
Windsor Market Square Enterance
Ottawa Street & Walker Road
Friday, November 23, 2007
International Year of Planet Earth
The International Year of Planet Earth aims to capture people’s imagination with the exciting knowledge we possess about our planet, and to see that knowledge used to make the Earth a safer, healthier and wealthier place for our children and grandchildren International Year of Planet Earth 2007-2009.
What is the International Year of Planet Earth?
The International Year of Planet Earth aims to ensure greater and more effective use by society of the knowledge accumulated by the world’s 400,000 Earth scientists. The Year’s ultimate goal of helping to build safer, healthier and wealthier societies around the globe is expressed in the Year’s subtitle ‘Earth science for Society’.
The International Year runs from January 2007 to December 2009, the central year of the triennium (2008) having been proclaimed by the UN General Assembly as the UN Year. The UN sees the Year as a contribution to their sustainable development targets as it promotes wise (sustainable) use of Earth materials and encourages better planning and management to reduce risks for the world’s inhabitants.
Canadian Youth Delegation
CYD is a project of the Canadian Youth Climate Coalition. We are united by our common vision of achieving a stable climate in a just world governed by the principles of sustainability. We seek to bring our expertise, passion and insight to bear on the threat – and opportunity – that is climate change. For more info, see our founding declaration on the climate crisis.
Petition to show support for the outcome of this conference
Please support this petition and pass on to any and all friends. Send this link far and wide to student and environment groups, friends, concerned citizens, etc. This petition will be brought to Bali with the Canadian Youth Delegation and, in turn, presented to the Canadian government delegation.
A delegation of 30 Canadian youth are going to the next UN climate change conference in Bali from Dec 3rd - 14th. The following petition will accompany the youth delegation, so our Canadian government leaders know that CANADIAN YOUTH are concerned about the outcome of this conference.
We will inherit the decisions made at this conference.
Sign this petition.
Make sure your voice is heard.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Windsor's Growing Pains
There are several issues to consider when attempting to put together the pieces of the puzzle which make up the controversial new crossing between Canada and the United States. First, it is wise to consider the historical evolution of the 78-year-old Ambassador Bridge. It originated as a project to create work for locally unemployed citizens on both sides of the river. While, initially it was designed for the flow of traffic, by 1961, there were only 800 trucks crossing daily. In the early 1990's this figure had risen significantly to approximately, 8,000 trucks daily and gradually peaked at roughly 14,000 trucks per diem. It is important to understand that the integrity of this piece of infrastructure is not designed to support such a high volume of traffic. Roughly 12,000 trucks pass daily, which adds up to an estimated $60 million dollars a year.
Originally this border crossing was a combined public and private venture. During the Depression, when the first owner sold shares to avoid bankruptcy, the Ambassador Bridge became a publicly traded company. For a while, in the late 1970's the largest investor was Warren Buffet, who owned twenty-five percent of this important border crossing. In 1979 Manuel (Matty) Maroun, a Detroit native, purchased the farmer’s remaining shares of stock for $30 million dollars in U.S funds.
As the world's economy continues to grow with enormous pressure from the global marketplace, various tactics have been adopted to protect regional populations. Similar to the European Union, there have been negotiations for a North American Union which would solidify trade between Mexico, United States and Canada allowing a stronger role in world economics. In fact, there are plans to extend a superhighway all the way from Montreal to Tijuana which will directly impact Southern Ontario by increasing the current flow of trade through the Windsor Detroit crossing, which is currently responsible for forty percent of the commodities flowing into Canada. There are also negotiations for a new currency named the Amero which is supposed be introduced to stave off the collapse of our currencies. In light of such issues facing the continental political economy the amount of traffic predicted to come through the border will undoubtedly surpass the Ambassador Bridge's current capacity.
When the City of Windsor was first designed it grew without any conception of the fact that it would be as large as it is today. In the 1960's South Windsor houses were built without considering the impact that they would one day face as high volumes of traffic would eventually push through their neighbourhoods. Instead of restricting specific areas to be zoned for industrial and commercial use, many districts became residential and now the problem has magnified even larger. Despite the fact that the E.C. Row was constructed in order to facilitate transportation, the 401 Highway was stopped just beyond city limits as residents did not want to be affected by noise and pollution affiliated with a highway next to their homes. As a result, any trucker heading from Highway 401 to Detroit must follow two city streets, first Talbot Road and then Huron Church Road. Trucks then pass through 17 traffic lights, resulting in an exorbanant amount of pollution impact for citizens of Windsor.
Although it is understandable that people do not want to live in such close proximity to moving traffic, it is not feasible to expect South-Western Ontario, as the hub of economic trade for all of Canada, will be able to flourish without compromises. The city is growing and it is essential to decide where to make sacrifices. Most importantly, we cannot allow the new border crossing to continue to be privately owned. Out of more than 130 border crossings between Canada and the US, the Ambassador Bridge is the only owned by a private individual. Despite the fact that this company will not release maintenance records, they claim that the 78-year old bridge simply costs too much money to upkeep. Critics suggest that this is merely a ploy to maintain its stranglehold of international crossing revenues by warranting its "twinning".
The company also refuses to let law enforcement officials onto the bridge to monitor trucks which could be potentially carrying explosives, toxic waste or other materials banned by law from crossing the border. In lieu of the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Centre, issues compromising security are simply unacceptable. For quite some time after this devastating event trucks were backed up for kilometres on Huron Church Road. On some days it took 12 hours for a truck to get trom Windsor to the US Customs on the other side.
Maroun is now proposing to pay the City of Detroit to take over management of the US side of the Detroit-Windsor car tunnel. He's suggesting to funnel its traffic along a secure corridor to the new customs plaza on 80 hectares of Detroit industrial land, most of which he already owns. His plan entails 100 customs booths, doubling the current number on both sides of the border as a means to dramatically reduce crossing times.
“Windsorites” are not unfamiliar with adversity. There are many examples when we have come together as a community to get through tough times. Mayor Eddie Francis summed up much of the sentiment experienced by Windsorites when he acknowledged, "Yes, we've got explosive growth. Yes, things are going well for trade and commerce. But it shouldn't be on the backs and shoulders of Windsor residents. Why are they not entitled to the same quality of life as anyone else in the province?" We are currently experiencing a period of transition and uncertainty. We are changing from being a manufacturing city into a knowledge-based consumer society. It is possible for us to find solutions which will have low-impact upon the quality of our lives if we are patient and open-minded. We must not make the same mistakes that we made before by instead considering the impact of our future growth. By looking to the example of the Peace Bridge in Ohio we can gain a glimpse of what Windsor's new border crossing will be like as one regulated by a Port Authority.
According to the “Border Transportation Partnership” there is an estimated $40 million in profits to be gained by a new span. Without another crossing, Michigan and Ontario will lose 48,000 jobs a year by 2020. In conjunction with Asia-Pacific's emergence as an economic powerhouse, Canada could be in a lucrative position if we are prepared. We must strengthen our regional economy and our quality of life by getting ready for the future.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
You have a power you may not recognize - the power to stop climate chaos. According to the World Health Organization, climate change is already killing 150,000 people every year, and that could double to 300,000 annual deaths by 2030. Whole ecosystems face upheaval and millions of people face displacement. The climate is in crisis, but we can avoid climate catastrophe if we take action now to save the Kyoto Protocol.
People around the world are preparing for the largest planetary day of action yet to stop climate chaos. Join hundreds of thousands of people in 60 countries (and counting) who will be on the streets to demand that world leaders take the urgent and resolute action that is needed to prevent catastrophic climate chaos. The entire world needs to move as rapidly as possible to a stronger emissions reductions treaty, which is both equitable and effective in preventing dangerous climate change.
In December, 190 countries will meet in Bali, Indonesia for the UN Kyoto Climate Talks to negotiate our future. On December 8, the people of Canada can stand in solidarity with millions worldwide to demand our leaders take real action. It is time for the Canadian government to stop lagging behind and do its fair share on climate change. Long-time industrialized countries like Canada that have emitted most greenhouse gases up to now must take most of the responsibility for the adaptive measures that have to be taken, especially by helping low-emitting countries with limited economic resources.
In Canada, the case is particularly severe: Canada declared our Kyoto targets unachievable and joined Bush's club of polluting nations who think a "voluntary" approach will reach our commitments, rejecting the European model of real greenhouse gas reductions. The focus on reducing emissions "intensity" of the Asia Pacific Partnership is a literal carbon smokescreen that would actually allow overall emissions to go up instead of down. December 8 is our day to tell our government that the only path to a stable climate runs through Kyoto!
We categorically reject false technological "fixes" for climate change. Embracing questionable technologies will not only fail to solve our climate crisis, they may create new and dangerous problems. The renewable energy technologies needed to solve climate change exist today, and we need a "just transition" strategy in Canada to ensure workers in non-renewable energy industries can make the shift to the mass production of sustainable energy from water, wind and sun.
Although they did not cause climate change, billions of people in the global South will be most affected by it, losing their sources of food, livelihoods and sustenance. For many, it is a matter of life and death. Their voices must be heard around the world, and our policies and actions must support their courageous efforts to adapt to, as well as to offer creative solutions to, the alarming changes occurring in their ecosystems right now. December 8 could be the demonstration the world has been waiting for. The Earth needs you to take to the streets to demand climate action. Will you be a part of it?
In Canada, this joint call to action is being issued by Stop Climate Chaos - Canada in partnership with the University of Windsor Environmental Coalition, ACT for the Earth, Association québécoise de lutte contre la pollution atmosphérique (AQLPA), the Canadian Biotech Action Network, the Canadian Federation of Students, the Canadian Labour Congress, the Canadian Peace Alliance, the Canadian Union of Postal Workers, Canadian Unitarians for Social Justice, the Canadian Youth Climate Coalition, Coalition Québec Kyoto, the Communication, Energy, and Paperworkers Union of Canada, Conservation Council of New Brunswick, the Council of Canadians, David Suzuki Foundation, the Ecology Action Centre, Environmental Coalition of Prince Edward Island, Fredericton Peace Coalition, Greenpeace, NUPGE (the National Union of Public and General Employees), Sierra Club of Canada, SOS Eau Water Sankwan, the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa, St John Citizens Coalition For Clean Air, the Toronto & York Region Labour Council, and USC Canada.
Pan-Canadian actions on December 8 are being organized, through local, city and rural based coalitions, and are currently planned for:
Windsor, Ottawa, Toronto, Montreal, Moncton, Kamloops, Regina, Charlottetown, Winnipeg, Quebec City, Vancouver, Edmonton, Sackville, Calgary, St Johns and Halifax.
Details, including contact information, are here: No rally planned for your location? Plan one! Contact,, or to get involved!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Leadership in Environmental Design
South Windsor Environmental Club
Indigenous Environmental Network
Monday, November 19, 2007
U of W and the Talloires Declaration
What is the Talloires Declaration?
Composed in 1990 at an international conference in Talloires, France, this is the first official statement made by university administrators of a commitment to environmental sustainability in higher education. The Talloires Declaration (TD) is a ten-point action plan for incorporating sustainability and environmental literacy in teaching, research, operations and outreach at colleges and universities. It has been signed by over 350 university presidents and chancellors in over 40 countries.
The Real News
Thursday, November 15, 2007
The Largest Spill Since 1988
The Community Coalition Against Mining Uranium
Environment Jobs In Windsor!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Center for Health, Environment and Justice and children's ...The Center for Health, Environment and Justice (formerly Citizens Clearinghouse for Hazardous Waste) trains and assists local people to fight for justice, ...
Environmental Justice
Detroiters Working for Environmental Justice
Looking for information on pollution in your community?
Click here for great resources! ...
Recycle Bins along the Riverfront
By April 23rd, 2008 the Environmental Coalition of the University of Windsor hopes to have collected 5000 signatures on our petition. If you'd like to become involved please contact
Action on Climate Change in Windsor
Maude Barlow Is Coming To Windsor!
"This is my standpoint. And I am just not going to budge from it. it's having a world view that is just in some ways immovable." - Maude Barlow
Maude Barlow is perhaps Canada's best known voice of dissent, highly opinionated and passionate. Over the years she's fought on the feminist front, struggled with the Mulroney government over the Free Trade Agreement, and been tear-gassed. The story of this driven, committed woman is told in Immovable Maude: The Life & Times of Maude Barlow.
Monday, November 19 - Windsor, ON
7:00 p.m. Caboto Club, 2175 Parent Avenue
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Be part of the co-ordinated actions taking place across Canada, the United States and other countries this weekend to declare with one voice, NOT ONE MORE DEATH! STOP THE WARS IN IRAQ AND AFGHANISTAN! INVEST IN OUR COMMUNITIES, NOT IN WAR!
WINDSOR Anti-War Rally and Demonstration
5 to 6 pm.
Corner of Goyeau and Wyandotte
Windsor Peace Coalition
Rally Across the World for December 8, the International Day of Climate Action!
Join millions of people in 70 countries (and counting) who will be on the streets to demand that world leaders take the urgent and resolute action that is needed to prevent the catastrophic destabilization of global climate, so that the entire world can move as rapidly as possible to a stronger emissions reductions treaty which is both equitable and effective in preventing dangerous climate change.
As heads of state meet in Bali, Indonesia for the UN Climate Negotiations to negotiate the our future, on December 8 the youth of Canada can stand in solidarity with millions world wide to demand our leaders take real action.
We also demand that the long-industrialized countries that have emitted most greenhouse gases up to now take most of the responsibility for the adaptive measures that have to be taken, especially by low-emitting countries with limited economic resources.
In Canada, the case is particularly severe: Canada declared our Kyoto targets unachievable and joined Bush's club of polluting nations who think "voluntary targets" will reach our commitments. December 8 is our day to tell our government that the only path to a stable climate runs through Kyoto!
The CYCC is joining ACT for the Earth in organizing actions nationwide, through local, city and rural based coalitions.
Rallies are currently planned for Ottawa, Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Edmonton and Lethbridge, details, including contact information, are here:〈=en&PHPSESSID=af91db948f12ce81b964e22976a0ea84#country11
No rally planned for your location? Plan one! Contact,, or to get involved!
Follow what's going on at the UN:
Barbara Hayes
National Director
Canadian Youth Climate Coalition
Directrice nationale
Coalition canadienne des jeunes pour le climat
office: 613-241-1615
cell: 613-255-5724
skype: barbarajeansophia
Saturday, October 20, 2007
A Short History of Economics
Marilyn Waring is a lecturer, writer and development consultant. She is also a farmer and she says herself that it is this calling that has had the most profound influence on the way she understands the economy. Unfortunately, Waring's ideas have never seriously influenced the way our Canadian economic system works. However, Marilyn Waring has been a great inspiration to many people, especially women, who feel that the current economic system excludes much of life.
Waring says that when economy includes only activities which involve monetary transactions, much of women's productive and reproductive work is excluded. Bearing children, mothering, tending a garden, feeding one's family, milking a family cow, raising sheep for wool you use yourself, all of these are excluded as economic activities and do not find their way into any country's System of National Accounts. In other words, through a traditional understanding of the economy, much of the work of half of the population becomes invisible. (See Julie's story.)
According to Waring, mainstream economics has also not found a way of counting the resources on which valued production is based, namely the earth. For example, activities which involve monetary transactions count as production even when they involve the degradation of the earth's resources, such as strip-mining. A sunset has no value, nor a mountain, and trees only count when they have been chopped down and sold. At the same time, Waring criticizes traditional economics for not finding a way to value community well-being. By current thinking, war and disaster are 'good for the economy' because they create jobs such as arms production and clean-up.
Waring's video Who's Counting? is available at public libraries and universities across Canada as are her books, Counting for Nothing: What Men Value and What Women are Worth and Three Masquerades: Politics, Work, and Human
Windsor, ON | Ten Thousand Villages Canada
Buying bottled water is wrong, says Suzuki
David Suzuki says plastic water bottles generate waste and potential health hazards because of their chemical composition. (CBC). "I think in Canada it's ...
Redistribution of Wealth
Buy Nothing Day
Loosely organized event encouraging not shopping at all on the day after Thanksgiving, the "first day of the Christmas shopping season."
The Real News
TransFair Canada: About Fair Trade
Hydrogen Future
A University of Windsor chemistry professor may be holding the keys to hydrogen-powered vehicles of the future. David Antonelli's breakthrough in hydrogen ...
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
GLIER Great Lakes Institute for Environmental Research News
Union of Concerned Scientists
GreenLink Border Solution
Rad and Sustainable Fashion
Green Party of Canada activist-publication/
How to be an Activist
Elizabeth May, a Sierra Club of Canada Executive Director for 17 years, developed her "How to be an Activist" pamphlet to teach others how to become active campaigners. The original How to be an Activist, first published online in 1996 is a practical guide to campaigning.
Now, 10 years later, Elizabeth May has written a definitive followup to the "How to be an Activist" guide - How to Save the World in Your Spare Time published by Key Porter Books.
Whoever said "you can't fight city hall," never had access to a book like this. An invaluable guide and fascinating glimpse into the life of a tireless campaigner for the planet, How to Save the World In Your Spare Time can show anyone how to fight for a cause.
A veteran environmental organizer and activist, Elizabeth May has put decades of experience and advice into this entertaining read. Sprinkled throughout are stories of her career in activism: from adventures in the Amazon with Sting and Gordon Lightfoot, to surprising stories of Canadian political figures including the late Dalton Camp and Prime Minister Paul Martin.
Read the opening chapter to what reviewers have called "the go-to guide that shows you how to fight for a cause".
Elizabeth May unveils her party's Green vision for Canada ... OTTAWA – Federal Green Party leader Elizabeth May today congratulated Green Party of Ontario ...
Impact on Chemicals Regulation
by Bruce Campbell
September 24, 2007 | National Office
Download the Report/Study:
Roots & Shoots ...
Jane Goodall Institute of
JGI Canada currently supports a sanctuary for orphaned chimpanzees at Ngamba Island in Uganda and a three-year program to introduce Roots & Shoots
What is Earth Science? University of Windsor
University of Windsor. Page 2. What is Earth Science? The objectives of Earth Science are to study and ... -
Friday, October 19, 2007
Vandana Shiva's ZNet
Dr. Vandana Shiva is a physicist, ecologist, activist, editor, and author of many books. In India she has established Navdanya, a movement for biodiversity ...
Worldwatch Institute
Windsor Clean City Commitee
Welcome to Clean City Windsor
3540 North Service Road East - Windsor, ON N8W 5X2 519-974-1010 ext 231 - Fax: 519-944-3161. City of Windsor Clean City Committee ...
Windsor Environmental Law Society
University of Windsor - Political Science Main - Announcements
The University of Windsor Environmental Law Society is pleased to present The Climate Project’s Walter Palmer on... in the MOOT
Project Porchlight
Windsor Bicycling Committee
Petition No. 83
"Toxic Trespass" - NFB Film Screening in Windsor
Investigating the Chemical Soup Around Us Hosted by Windsor Cancer Prevention Coalition
In Toxic Trespass, intrepid filmmaker Barri Cohen launches an
investigation into the effects of the chemical soup around us. She
starts with her 10-year-old daughter, whose blood carries carcinogens like benzene and the long-banned DDT. Then, Cohen heads out to Windsor and Sarnia: Canadian toxic hotspots, with startling clusters of deadly diseases.
Here, everyone seems to know children who have suffered respiratory illnesses, leukemia, brain tumours and other illnesses. And on the Native reserve of Aamjiwnaang, ringed by Sarnia's "chemical valley," the film reveals a startling birth rate problem that officials just can't ignore.
Cohen journeys into toxic nightmares all too common in industrialized countries. She meets passionate activists working for positive change, along with doctors and scientists who see evidence of links between environmental pollution and health problems. And she learns how quickly barriers can go up when anyone tries to even ask questions about the connection betweeen toxins and serious health problems.
Perhaps most appalling - and funny, in their own twisted way - are the roadblocks Cohen encounters when she tries to get information from federal officials. One tells her his department is "planning to
discuss the plans."
This moving documentary is empowering and leavened with wry humour. Carried by Cohen's passion for truth and her disarming openness, it is essential viewing for anyone concerned about the effects of pollutants on our - and our children's - very DNA. Toxic Trespass is accompanied by a comprehensive guidebook for educators, activists and concerned citizens, produced by the Women's Healthy Environment Network. 2007, 80 min
Fed-Up Windsor
How Can I Get Involved?
Anyone who wants to help build our region's capacity for local, organic food pro- duction and distribution is encouraged to join our net- work.
Do you have space that you want to contribute?
We will build, maintain, and harvest a garden, dependent on the availability of gardeners.
Do you want to garden?
We will coordinate interested gardeners, and provide them with space, help, and advise as needed.
Do you have a surplus from your own gardens?
Please don't let it go to waste. We will collect and distribute it to those in need.
Do you have fruit trees that go unharvested?
Please tell us. We will harvest them so that all of us can enjoy their bounty.
Event Board
Sunday Potlucks
6pm in the backyard of the Ecohouse (793 Sunset Ave.): anyone can come and share their favourite dish, get to know their fellow gardeners, and participate in discussions about FedUp, gardening practices, and food politics.
Click here for a map to the Ecohouse.
The Global Resource Centre (GRC)
Social Justice main site
The Global Resource Centre (GRC) and its campus partner, the Ontario Public Interest Research Group (OPIRG) - Windsor, need volunteers to help run our ...
Downtown Windsor Farmers' Market
Essex Region Conservation Authority (ERCA)
Walpole Island
Point Pelee National Park
The Friends of Ojibway Prairie Inc.
Peche Island
Essex-Windsor Solid Waste Authority
OPIRG Windsor Action Groups
CURRENTLY ACTIVE Public Interest Groups:
1) The ENVIRONMENTAL GROUP are currently working with the University Environmental Coaltion on establishing an Environmental Policy at the University (improving recycling, composting, energy efficiency, etc.) and on organizing a the International Day of Action on Climate Change.
3) The SOCIAL JUSTICE GROUP is working on establishing a “No Sweat” (fair trade) policy at the University and against Tuition increases
4) The MEDIA GROUP works on issues around corporate control of the media as well as producing OPIRG's NEWSPAPER THE “GLOBAL VOICE” and RADIO SHOW.
5) The WINDSOR’S ANIMAL ACTION GROUP (W.A.A.G.) mission is to prevent cruelty to, and encourage consideration for, all animals, human and non-human. They are working against cruelty to animals in the entertainment business (circuses, etc.) and promoting vegetarianism. Click here for more information.
PAST Public Interest Groups:
The ANTI-RACISM GROUP was formed to address the barriers faced by minorities in society. OPIRG hired three students to develop a more effective anti-racism training and to improve our diversity programme. The Anti-Racism group will also work with community and campus groups as well as various departments at the university to promote cultural sensitivity.
The CONSUMER ADVOCACY GROUP investigating and reporting on corporate rip-offs, safety and environmental impact of products and services you buy.
The ORGANIC FOOD GROUP promoting the use of organic produce and campaigning against genetically modified foods.
The THEATRE ACTION GROUP doing street theatre and theatre of the oppressed and giving performances on various social justice and environmental issues.
Recycling Centre
Compost - Garden Gold
Leaves, grass clippings, garden waste, brush, tree trimmings, shrubs and paper (from Essex-Windsor residents). The material is shredded, and composted a 55 ...
Detroit River Canadian Cleanup (DRCC)
Citizens Environment Alliance
Cancer Prevention Network
The City of Windsor
West Windsor Citizens for Transportation Alternatives
West Windsor Citizens for Transportation Alternatives Whole Earth Center. In November 2000, former Governor Christine Whitman ordered an Environmental ... - 18k -
Sierra Youth Coalition
The SYC is the youth-run branch of the Sierra Club of Canada that serves as an action centre for youth concerned about the environment. |